State Rep. Marla Brown | Pennsylvania 9th Legislative District
State Rep. Marla Brown | Pennsylvania 9th Legislative District
Rep. Marla Brown has announced that Lawrence County Social Services Inc., a nonprofit organization, has received $1.2 million in funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. This grant is part of a regional project aimed at addressing the housing crisis in western Pennsylvania, offering assistance to over 600 households through services such as emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, rapid rehousing, and street outreach.
"This funding represents a critical step forward in addressing the urgent housing needs of families and individuals in Lawrence County and surrounding areas," stated Brown. "By investing in the tools provided by Lawrence County Social Services, we are taking meaningful action to help our most vulnerable residents find stable housing and get the support they need to rebuild their lives."
The funding comes from a larger $5.5 million allocation through the federal Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program. The program supports municipalities and nonprofit organizations tackling homelessness and housing instability across 45 counties. In total, 14 municipalities and seven nonprofit organizations will benefit from these funds.
The ESG program was established under the HEARTH Act of 2009 with goals including quickly rehousing individuals experiencing homelessness, preventing future homelessness, and ensuring emergency shelters are available for those in immediate need.
Brown emphasized her commitment to advocating for solutions to Pennsylvania's ongoing housing crisis and securing resources for local communities' efforts toward sustainable housing options.