State Rep. Aaron Bernstine | Pennsylvania 8th Legislative District
State Rep. Aaron Bernstine | Pennsylvania 8th Legislative District
Rep. Aaron Bernstine has announced a $1.12 million grant from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) to support the Butler County Conservation District. The funding aims to enhance agricultural practices and environmental sustainability at Four Seasons Dairy Farm by consolidating heifers into one location and improving waste management processes.
"This marks a vital investment in our agricultural community and the environment," said Bernstine. "The grant will not only improve infrastructure for our farmers but will also contribute to healthier soil and water in Butler County. By modernizing these facilities, we’re ensuring our farming practices are sustainable for generations to come."
The project includes constructing a roofed composting facility, a 12- by 80-foot diameter round manure storage tank, roof runoff controls, underground outlet pipes, fencing, and access lanes. These upgrades aim to replace outdated facilities to reduce contaminated runoff and protect the environment.
The new facilities are expected to reduce pollution and improve farm efficiency by centralizing operations, leading to better waste management and improved public health outcomes.
"This grant demonstrates our commitment to supporting local agriculture while safeguarding our natural resources," added Bernstine.
PENNVEST funding comes from state-approved funds, federal grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and recycled loan repayments from previous awards. Funds are disbursed after project expenses are paid and receipts submitted.